Browse Items (474 total)

Lisa Cheney.png
Janice and Lisa Cheney remember participating in work study programs and driving the school car.

Bellioti Sisters why sacred heart .mp3
The Belliotti sisters, Kate and Sarah, reminisce on why they chose SHA

P Smyton finding white dress.mp3
Pat Marino Smyton remembers having her graduation gown made.

Ann Meisner.png
Ann Sawyer explains what SHA means to her.

Maria Michalek Clare discusses the annual Walk-A-Thon.

50s-K McCarthy Walk to Bailey Bus .mp3
Kathleen McCarthy recounts the bus ride to school from the city.

50s-K McCarthy walk from bailey.mp3
Kathleen McCarthy talks about the walk each day from Bailey Avenue to Sacred Heart.

50s 80s and 10s - Cheneys on unfiroms blouses.mp3
Janice Cheney, Lisa Cheney Abruzzino, and Allie Abruzzino compare uniform experiences in the '40s, '80s, and '10s

Kathleen McCarthy talks about the transition in the 50s from wool dresses to jumpers.

00s- Head of School Ochterski importance of uniforms.mp3
Barbara Ochterski, the first lay principal and first Head of School, explains why uniforms are so good for students.

40s-MK Stahl Tuition.mp3
Sr. Mary Kay Stahl recalls the price of tuition in the 1940's.

Timms tuition assistance run in .mp3
Courtney Timms recalls a funny run-in with a teacher afterschool

1980-maria coaching.jpg
Sr. Maria took athletes to Notre Dame to watch college games

Timms traditions structured four years.mp3
Courtney Timms discusses the traditions students have to look forward to each year.

Finneys discuss shared traditions.mp3
The Finney's discuss shared traditions.

J Wegrzyn fencing touche.mp3
Jenna Wegrzyn talks about fencing for SHA and the fun word-play the student athletes had with a particular catchphrase of the sport.

Kayla Vermonica Time Capsule.mp3
Kayla Burt and Vermonica James remember reading their time capsule letters.

SHA is home. Interview with Maria Clare, 2016.

90s-Sr Connie Yearbook.mp3
Sr, Connie remembers the days of making The Cordette without the aid of a computer.

50s-K McCarthy 1956 transitions.mp3
Kathleen McCarthy discusses how the year of 1956 was a "transition year" in many ways.

40s-B Waclawek Cutting Across Golf Course.mp3
Betty Kempkes Waclawek remembers cutting across the golf course to get to school.

40s-A Schubert Walk Home.mp3
Sr. Agnes Schubert remembers walking to the bus from school.

Sr. Nancy Fortkort admires the uniqueness of each Sister.

Agnes the booth .mp3
Agnes Santiano describes the sound booth above the auditorium.

Ann Meisner.png
Remember The Shoe? Ann Meissner Sawyer on the school car.

Sr. Nancy Fortkort talks about The Purple Pigeon and her involvement.

00s-KAllen New Gym.mp3
Sr. Karen Allen talks about the new gym.

Agnes library.mp3
Agnes Santiano describes the library.

2005-barbara ochterski.jpg
Barb Otcherski understands the honor of being an alumna.

80s-Janis Cheney teachers cared about students.mp3
Janice Cheney remembers how all the teachers at SHA cared about the students.

faculty 2003 3.jpg
Kate Belliotti recalls how SHA teachers just believed in you.

80s-Janice arms of the sacred heart statue.mp3
Janice Cheney talks about pranks pulled involving the Jesus statue.

P Smyton Student Council.mp3
Pat Marino Smyton remembers the duties of Student Government.

B Wegrzyn student government.mp3
Ann Wegrzyn recalls Student Counsil's responsibility of organizing the weekly assemblies.

1961-Student Government Pat Smyton.jpg
Pat Smyton remembers serving on Student Council in the early 1960s

Timms vending machine stu co room.mp3
Courtney Timms remembers filling the pop machine as one of the many duties of StuCo.

Kayla Student Council Class Officer.mp3
Kayla Burt discusses being on StuCo.

Agnes student council .mp3
Agnes Santiano discusses being apart of StuCo.

50s-Sr Mara Student Council .mp3
Sr, Mara recalls the duties of Student Council in the 1950's.

J Piscatello strict but kind.mp3
Jeanette Piscitello recalls that teachers at SHA were always strict, but also kind.

golf 2003.jpg
Sr. Maria recalls starting the golf program at SHA

Sr Mara Stained Glass Outside Chapel.mp3
Sr. Mara talks about the stained glass located outside of the chapel.

Timms St Joes dances.mp3
Courtney Timms remembers dances at St. Joe's.

1980-Maria school pic.jpg
Ann Meissner Sawyer remembers Sr. Maria chasing streaking boys around the school

1964-CSMC basketball game.jpg
Betty Horrigan marvels at women's sports in the 1960s and today

Barb Waclawek recalls her days playing varsity badminton

B Waclawek tournaments.mp3
Barb Waclawek talks about sports competitions with other schools in the 1970s.

J Wegrzyn spirit week.mp3
Jenna Wegrzyn remembers her first spirit week dance.

Maureen F spirit week in the 80s.mp3
Maureen Forrester Finney shares some of her memories from Spirit Week.

Kayla and Vermonica Spirit Week.mp3
Kayla Burt and Vermonica James discuss spirit week.

80s and 10s-Cheneys Spirit Week changes now youtube.mp3
The Cheneys discuss the changes in spirit week throughout the decades.

50s-K McCarthy Sodality Skit.mp3
Kathleen McCarthy discusses a sodality skit put on by SHA girls in the 1950's.

Nancy Forkort discusses Sodality, a Jesuit student organization that connected SHA girls to a broader religious community.

Maura Forkort discusses Sodality, a Jesuit student organization that connected SHA girls to a broader religious community.

50s-K McCarthy Sodailty Trip to Cleveland.mp3
Kathleen McCarthy talks about a sodailty trip to Cleveland in the 1950's.

The Belliotti sisters recall singing songs in Mass.

Sr. Nancy Fortkort remembers Sr. Theophane.

50s-LBadding Theophane.mp3
Sr. Lois Badding remembers Sr. Theophane directing the school operettas.

40s-MKStahl Theophane Latin.mp3
Sr. Mary Kay Stahl recalls Latin class with Sr. Theophane.

40s-MK Stahl Theophane Posture.mp3
Sr. Mary Kay Stahl also remembers etiquette class with Sr. Theophane.

40s-MK Stahl Theophane Helped New Nuns.mp3
Sr. Mary Kay Stahl remembers Sr. Theophane and her help with the new Sisters.

Sr. Maura Fortkort remembers etiquette class with Sr. Theophane.

40s-KAllen Theophane.mp3
Sr. Karen Allen remembers Sr. Theophane.

40s-B Waclawek and Theophane beef .mp3
Betty Kempkes Waclawek shares her memory of Sr. Theophane

40s-MKStahl Paula Fox.wav
Sr. Mary Kay Stahl remembers Sr. Paula.

40s-MK Stahl Sr Paula Fox.mp3
Sr. Mary Kay Stahl fondly remembers Sr. Paula.

40s-MFortkort Sister Paula.wav
Sr. Maura Fortkort remembers idolizing Sr. Paula.

Jeanette Piscitello recalls Sister Marcyann as a teacher

Maureen Forrester Finney remembers when Sr Mara was principal.

B Waclawek Sr mara.mp3
Barbara Waclawek remembers science class with Sr. Mara.

B Waclawek Sr Mara 1 .mp3
Barbara Waclawek speaks fondly of Sr. Mara.

Sr. Nancy Fortkort remembers classes with Sr. Judith and Sr. Paula.

Maria Pares formerly Georgeann.jpg
Sr. Maria remembers Sr. Ita and some pranks students would pull.

Sr. Patricia Healy remembers Sr. Georgia producing plays.

40s-C Tronolone Sr Georgia.mp3
Sr. Catherine Tronolone remembers class with Sr. Georgia.

40s-A Schubert Sr Georgia Fainted.mp3
Sr. Agnes Schubert remembers class with Sr. Georgia.

Sr. Mara describes Sr. Emmanuel's music room.

40s-MFortkort Sister Emmanuel .wav
Sr. Maura Fortkort remembers piano lessons with Sr. Emmanuel.

Pat Smyton remembers Sister Corinne as principal

Barb Ochterski recalls her first days as principal, when Sister Corinne came to visit -- and Sister Corinne had been principal when she was a student!

50s-LBadding Sister Clarice.mp3
Sr. Lois Badding remembers Sr. Clarice allowing students to work on their art projects during lunch.

Sr. Nancy Fortkort remembers Sr. Bonaventure and Sr. Emmanuel teaching the arts.

2003-christmas dance.jpg
The Belliotti sisters recall how the girls in their classes used to just shared dresses

Vermonica Shacapella.mp3
Vermonica James remembers participating in Shacapella.

Like many, SHA was home for Kayla Burt

For Vermonica James, SHA was home.

A Sawyer traditions ring ceremony.mp3
Ann Meissner Sawyer remembers some SHA traditions.

Maureen F SHA spirit.mp3
Maureen Forrester Finney discusses how SHA provides everyone with great skills to continue in life.

P Smyton SHA medals.mp3
Pat Marino Smyton remembers receiving her SHA medal.

2007-jenna at prom.jpg
Jenna Wegzryn tells us how SHA helps "you be you"

Maureen Forrester Finney 1987.jpg
Maureen Forrester Finney describes how SHA laid a foundation for her academic and personal achievement.

1961-Student Government Pat Smyton.jpg
Pat Marino Smyton explains how SHA instilled confidence in her.

Jenna Wegrzyn 2009.jpg
Jenna Wegrzyn discusses how SHA gave her confidence.
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