In 1981, under the leadership of Sister Mara Walton ’59, the school entered a new age. A computer lab was established, and students pursued many Advanced Placement courses leading to college credit. Many updates to the building were done including a new gym floor, locker room renovation, and reinforcement to the main front steps. It was also an era of sports. A cross country team was established in 1982 and soccer in 1983. In 1986, the basketball team won the New York State Class C Catholic Schools championship and the cross country team claimed the Msgr. Martin All Catholic title.
As Buffalo celebrated its sesquicentennial in 1982, the city continued to experience economic decline as the automobile industry struggled to compete with foreign automakers and deindustrialization whittled down the size of companies such as Bethlehem Steel. In 1985, Republic Steel shut its doors, and Buffalo was forced to reconsider its economic foundation.