Welcome to the Sacred Heart Academy Virtual Museum!
Explore the history of our school from its founding in 1877 through 2016 when this museum was created.
Use the timeline above to explore SHA through the decades or browse through the collections below to discover how student experiences at SHA have changed throughout the years.
Thank you to all the participants of the 2016 SHA Oral History Project:
Sr. Agnes Schubert, '40; Sr. Catherine Tronolone, '42; Betty Kempkes Waclawek, '42; Sr. Karen Allen, '45; Sr. Pat Healy, '48; Sr. Helen Schumacher, '49; Sr. Maura Fortkort, '49; Sr. Mary Kayl Stahl, '49; Sr. Nancy Fortkort, '53; Kathleen McCarthy, '56; Mary Ann Wurstner Cheney, '57; Sr. Maria Pares, '58; Barbara Eckert Ochterski, '61; Pat Marino Smyton, '61; Betty Barczak Horrigan, '64; Jeanette Piscitello, '72; Barb Waclawek, '73; Barbara Staebell Rooney, '74; Ann Smits Wegrzyn, '76; Janice Cheney, '80; Ann Meissner Sawyer, '83; Lisa Cheney Abruzzino, '85; Dr. Maureen Forrester Finney, '87; Maria Michalek Clare, '95; Courtney Timms Maloney, '96; Kathryn Belliotti, '02; Sarah Belliotti, '05; Jenna Wegrzyn, '09; Kayla Burt, '13; Vermonica James, '14; Agnes Santiano, '15; Allie Abruzzino, '19; Maeve Finney, '19; Sr. Connie Marlowe; and Sr. Edith Wyss.