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  • Collection: Traditions

00s-Cheneys on the Torch digital.mp3
Mary Ann Wurstner Cheney remembers when The Torch was printed, not digital.

40s-C Tronolone Yearbook Ads.mp3
Sr. Catherine Tronolone remembers selling ads for the yearbook in the 1940's.

50s-K McCarthy The Torch newspaper name.mp3
Kathleen McCarthy discusses how the school newspaper got its name.

50s-Sr Mara Student Council .mp3
Sr, Mara recalls the duties of Student Council in the 1950's.

90s-Sr Connie Yearbook.mp3
Sr, Connie remembers the days of making The Cordette without the aid of a computer.

50s-K McCarthy Dances.mp3
Kathleen McCarthy discusses the beginning of informal dances.

80s-Janice Cheney Senior Prank.mp3
Janice Cheney talks about the senior prank pulled by her class.

1986-friends at prom.jpg
Janice Cheney discusses dances in the 1980's.

50s-K McCarthy Home room.mp3
Kathleen McCarthy recalls homeroom and class office.

30s-Mary Anne Cheney mom alumni association.mp3
Mary Anne Wurstner Cheney remembers her mother enjoying class reunions.

40s and 10s - Betty and Andrea Ring and Graduation Ceremony.mp3
Andrea Waclawek remembers celebrating Junior Ring and Graduation with her grandmother.

40s-KAllen Chu Chu Ra Ra.mp3
Sr. Karen Allen sings the old school song.

40s-MK Stahl Rings and Medallions.mp3
Sr. Mary Kay Stahl discusses her junior ring ceremony and the medallion received at graduation.

80s and 10s-Cheneys Spirit Week changes now youtube.mp3
The Cheneys discuss the changes in spirit week throughout the decades.

Janice Cheney remembers her graduation.

80s-Mary Anne Cheney talks abotu Lisa Alumni award .mp3
Mary Ann Wurstner Cheney remembers Lisa Cheney receiving the Alumnae Award.

A Sawyer assemblies.mp3
Ann Meissner Sawyer remembers the assemblies at SHA.

A Sawyer graduation .mp3
Ann Meissner Sawyer remembers shopping for her white gown, as well as her graduation ceremony.

A Sawyer traditions ring ceremony.mp3
Ann Meissner Sawyer remembers some SHA traditions.

Agnes graduation gown.mp3
Agnes Santiano remembers how she found her graduation gown.

B Horgan graduation gowns.mp3
Betty Barczak Horrigan remembers having her graduation gown made.

B Horgan graduation.mp3
Betty Barczak Horrigan fondly remembers her graduation ceremony.

B Rooney Junior Prophecy.mp3
Barbara Staebell Rooney remembers making and receiving the junior prophecy books.

Beliotti sisters baby shark .mp3
The Beliotti sisters sing the baby shark song.

Finneys discuss shared traditions.mp3
The Finney's discuss shared traditions.

Finneys father daughter dance.mp3
The Finney's discuss the Father-Daughter Dance.

J Wegrzyn spirit week.mp3
Jenna Wegrzyn remembers her first spirit week dance.

Kayla and Vermonica Spirit Week.mp3
Kayla Burt and Vermonica James discuss spirit week.

Kayla Dont mess up graduation.mp3
Kayla Burt remembers her class being warned to not try any tricks at graduation.

Kayla Senior building tour .mp3
Kayla Burt remembers a teacher leading her class through the school to share their memories.

Kayla Vermonica Time Capsule.mp3
Kayla Burt and Vermonica James remember reading their time capsule letters.

Maria Michalek Clare shares how she enjoys going to graduation every year.

Maria Michalek Clare recalls some traditions for graduation.

Maria Michalek Clare discusses the annual Walk-A-Thon.

Maureen F class colors.mp3
Maureen Forrester Finney discusses the tradition of class colors.

Maureen F graduation.mp3
Maureen Forrester Finney discusses graduation.

Maureen F SHA alumnae.mp3
Maureen Forrester Finney discusses how SHA gave her a great foundation in life.

Maureen F SHA spirit.mp3
Maureen Forrester Finney discusses how SHA provides everyone with great skills to continue in life.

Maureen F spirit week in the 80s.mp3
Maureen Forrester Finney shares some of her memories from Spirit Week.

Ochterski choked up doing welcome.mp3
Barbara Ochterski fondly remembers her graduation.

P Smyton finding white dress.mp3
Pat Marino Smyton remembers having her graduation gown made.

P Smyton Graduation ceremony.mp3
Pat Marino Smyton remembers her graduation in the SHA auditorium.

P Smyton SHA medals.mp3
Pat Marino Smyton remembers receiving her SHA medal.

Timms Graduation and legacies.mp3
Courtney Timms remembers her graduation.

Timms Sandstone and keeping modern.mp3
Courtney Timms discusses the annual Sandstone Party.

Timms traditions structured four years.mp3
Courtney Timms discusses the traditions students have to look forward to each year.

Vermonica Graduation .mp3
Vermonica James remembers her graduation.

Barb Staebell junios.jpg
For Barb Rooney, SHA is part of her family's legacy.

Agnes Santiano remembers graduation, a special occasion

Maeve recalls her first Day of Sharing

2005-barbara ochterski.jpg
Barb Otcherski talks about the advent of Day of Sharing
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