Browse Items (474 total)

Barb Waclawek.jpg
Barb Waclawek remembers a prank involving a prank and the library shades

Jeannette Piscitello.jpg
Jeanette Piscitello recalls being in the school after dark - and though they felt alone, they never really were!

J Wegrzyn almost trouble on elevator.mp3
Jenna Wegrzyn remembers once almost getting in trouble...

2006-euro 4.jpg
Jenna Wegrzyn recalls traversing Europe on a school trip

Jenna Wegrzyn remembers proms at the end of the 2000s

Maureen Forrester Finney remembers her prom in the 1980s

Kayla Burt recalls the Senior Stampede of 2013

P Smyton Bike Hike.mp3
Pat Smyton remembers biking around Buffalo with girlfriends from SHA.

P Smyton Dancing in the Gym.mp3
Pat Smyton remembers dancing in the gym

Sarah Belliotti remembers being told to "leave room for the Holy Spirit"

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Sr. Maria remembers when students pranked her!

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Sr. Maria took athletes to Notre Dame to watch college games

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Courtney Timms remembers razzing her fellow athletes

Vermonica James remembers attending the post Prom party, and not Prom!

Jenna Wegrzyn 2009.jpg
Jenna and Ann Wegrzyn remember that seniors were allowed to leave campus during free periods

Maureen F Latin club fudge sales.mp3
Maureen Forrester Finney remembers derailing class with discussions of fudge sales

1961-Student Government Pat Smyton.jpg
Pat Smyton remembers serving on Student Council in the early 1960s

golf 2003.jpg
Sr. Maria recalls starting the golf program at SHA

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Courtney Timms recalls the most important role of the Student Council: refilling the pop machine!

Vermonica Diversity club.mp3
Vermonica James talks about Diversity Club

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Ann Sawyer explains what SHA means to her.

Agnes Santiano explains what SHA means to her.

Agnes choosing sacred heart.mp3
Agnes Santiano explains why she chose SHA

B Horgan Commute from city.mp3
Betty Horrigan made some of her best friends on the commute from the city

Betty Horrigan.jpg
Betty Horrigan's first impressions of SHA

1961-Betty Barczaks sister Susie debating as a sufragette.jpg
Betty Horrigan recalls the impact SHA had on her as a woman.

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Barb Ochterski recalls her time at SHA as formative for her as a girl.

Barb Staebell junios.jpg
For Barb Rooney, SHA is part of her family's legacy.

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Sr. Agnes Schubert recalls playing on the front lawn, and the cold storage cave in the backyard of SHA -- when she first started attending school there in 1931 as a primary school student.

A Wegrzyn getting used to scared heart.mp3
Ann Wegrzyn recalls the transition to private Catholic girls school

Ann Smits Wegrzyn.png
Ann Wegrzyn talks about the strong foundation that SHA gave her.

Bellioti Sisters why sacred heart .mp3
The Belliotti sisters, Kate and Sarah, reminisce on why they chose SHA

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Maureen Finney shares the story of how she surprised her daughter Maeve with her SHA acceptance letter

Jenna Wegrzyn 2009.jpg
Jenna Wegrzyn discusses how SHA gave her confidence.

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Jenna Wegzryn tells us how SHA helps "you be you"

Agnes Santiano remembers graduation, a special occasion

Jenna Wegrzyn 2009.jpg
Jenna Wegrzyn recalls how she chose SHA

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Kate Belliotti feels that SHA will always be in her heart

Like many, SHA was home for Kayla Burt

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Barb Otcherski understands the honor of being an alumna.

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Maeve Finney recalls her first impressions of SHA

Maria Clare Everyone is welcome.mp3
Maria Michalek Clare, alumna and current faculty, explains that SHA is a place where everyone is welcome.

Maria Clare first impressions.mp3
Maria Clare recalls her first impressions of SHA

SHA is home. Interview with Maria Clare, 2016.

1984-Maureen freshwoman.jpg
Maureen Forrester Finney recalls her first impressions of SHA

Maureen Forrester Finney 1987.jpg
Maureen Forrester Finney describes how SHA laid a foundation for her academic and personal achievement.

1961-Student Government Pat Smyton.jpg
Pat Marino Smyton explains how SHA instilled confidence in her.

2003-amnesty international sarah belliotti.jpg
Sarah Belliotti explains how, in an all-girls uniformed setting, you didn't have to worry about keeping up appearances

Courtney Timms 1996.jpg
Courtney Timms realizes just how deeply involved students' families are in SHA life.

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SHA is a great place - Courtney Timms

Timms Sacred Heart is family.mp3
For Courtney Timms, Sacred Heart is family.

Timms tuition assistance run in .mp3
Courtney Timms recalls a funny run-in with a teacher afterschool

SHA made Vermonica James confident and a feminist.

For Vermonica James, SHA was home.

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Agnes Santiano conveys what Franciscan values are to her.

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Betty Barczak Horrigan recalls the death of JFK and how social justice was a part of life at SHA.

The Belliotti sisters recall singing songs in Mass.

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The Belliotti sisters recall how the girls in their classes used to just shared dresses

Jeanette Piscitello explains what Franciscan values mean to her

Kayla Burt describes learning to do service

Maeve recalls her first Day of Sharing

Maureen Forrester Finney talks about the service projects she worked on as a student

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Barb Otcherski talks about the advent of Day of Sharing

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Pat Smyton recalls religious life at SHA in the 1960s

Pat Marino Smyton 1961.jpg
Pat Smyton recalls service projects SHA students did in the 1960s

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Betty Horrigan marvels at women's sports in the 1960s and today

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Barb Rooney recalls the gym uniforms in the 1970s

Barb Rooney recalls being cut from the basketball team by Sr Maria -- and how that was the right choice!

Barb Waclawek.jpg
Barb Waclawek tells the story of a teammate who could read lips

Barb Waclawek recalls her days playing varsity badminton

Sr Maria Pares remembers the first Diocesan track meet that SHA participated in

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Sr. Maria Pares recalls being honored for advancing women's sports

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Maria Michalek Clare recalls returning to SHA as a teacher.

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Sr. Maria Pares talks about how she thinks alumni embellish how strict she was in gym
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