Browse Items (474 total)

Pat Marino Smyton 1961.jpg
Pat Smyton recalls service projects SHA students did in the 1960s

Maureen Forrester Finney talks about the service projects she worked on as a student

K McCarthy Religious Life service projects.mp3
Kathleen McCarthy, '56, talks about class service projects.

Kayla Burt recalls the Senior Stampede of 2013

10s-Cheneys senior service project.mp3
Janice Cheney talks about senior service projects and their benefits.

Ann Meissner Sawyer recalls senior pranks in the 1980s

80s-Janice Cheney Senior Prank.mp3
Janice Cheney talks about the senior prank pulled by her class.

Vermonica senior nooks.mp3
Vermonica James remembers spending time in the senior nooks.

Kayla Senior building tour .mp3
Kayla Burt remembers a teacher leading her class through the school to share their memories.

40s-C Tronolone Yearbook Ads.mp3
Sr. Catherine Tronolone remembers selling ads for the yearbook in the 1940's.

J Piscatello building changes need stay the same.mp3
Jeanette Piscitello notes that the building changes, but the needs remain the same.

Timms Sandstone and keeping modern.mp3
Courtney Timms discusses the annual Sandstone Party.

50s-K McCarthy SHA influence on her life.mp3
Kathleen McCarthy reflects on the influence SHA has had on her life.

80s-janis cheney sharks mascot.mp3
Janice Cheney discusses how SHA never had a mascot.

Timms Sacred Heart is family.mp3
For Courtney Timms, Sacred Heart is family.

50s-K McCarthy SHA SHAY.mp3
Kathleen McCarthy notes that the school was referred to as "S.H.A."

Sr Mara Back of School Root Cellar .mp3
Sr. Mara discusses the root cellar located near the back of the school.

50s-K McCarthy Religious Life service projects.mp3
Kathleen McCarthy talks about the service projects they used to do at SHA in the 1950's.

1964-sodality 2.jpg
Pat Smyton recalls religious life at SHA in the 1960s

1947-morning prayer.jpg
Maura Forkort reflects on the spiritual aspects of everyday life at SHA in the 1940s.

2007-student council.jpg
Courtney Timms recalls the most important role of the Student Council: refilling the pop machine!

40s-CTronolone Scholarship.mp3
Sr. Catherine Tronolone discusses receiving a scholarship to go to Sacred Heart.

40s-C Tronolone Radiator Leak.mp3
Sr. Catherine Tronolone recalls the time the radiator leaked at SHA.

MFortkort Operettas.wav
Sr. Maura Fortkort discusses the operettas performed by the class of 1949, including the 1947 production of Rabboni.

80s-Cheneys more pranks.mp3
Lisa Cheney talks about senior pranks.

50s-Mary Ann Cheney prom netting.mp3
Mary Ann Wurstner Cheney discusses prom dress code in the 1950's.

Maureen Forrester Finney remembers her prom in the 1980s

Jenna Wegrzyn remembers proms at the end of the 2000s

1995-courtney after junior ring ceremy.jpg
Courtney Timms remembers razzing her fellow athletes

1978-Maria Pares.jpg
Sr. Maria remembers when students pranked her!

Vermonica James remembers attending the post Prom party, and not Prom!

40s-A Schubert Playing Outside.mp3
Sr. Agnes Schubert remembers playing on the lawn at the old school building located at Washington Street.

Kayla Burt played basketball at Sister Maria Pares' summer basketball camp for years and then experienced coming back to play for her as a SHA student.

80s-Janice Cheney gym uniforms.mp3
Janice Cheney discusses the uniforms for P.E. class.

Sr. Maria Pares believes SHA has one of the best P.E. programs.

Ann Meisner.png
Ann Meissner Sawyer recalls Miss Solly's music classes

50s-K McCarthy The Torch newspaper name.mp3
Kathleen McCarthy discusses how the school newspaper got its name.

1964-theater 1.jpg
Pat Smyton recalls the Operettas of the early 1960s

Jenna Wegrzyn 2009.jpg
Jenna and Ann Wegrzyn remember that seniors were allowed to leave campus during free periods

Sr. Mara Open Porch now bridge.mp3
Sr. Mara recalls how an old porch area is now where the bridge entrance currently is located.

Timms little gym.mp3
Courtney Timms remembers spending countless hours in the old gym.

80s-Cheneys Big and Small Gym.mp3
The Cheneys remember sports games in the old gym.

2003-amnesty international sarah belliotti.jpg
Sarah Belliotti explains how, in an all-girls uniformed setting, you didn't have to worry about keeping up appearances

1961-election Kennedy Nixon debates.jpg
Pat Marino Smyton remembers the Nixon Kennedy debates.

50s-K McCarthy Night in the School Convent.mp3
Kathleen McCarthy recounts the time she spent a night in the school convent.

Kayla new gym.mp3
Kayla Burt shares how SHA decided to build a new gym once she graduated.

Jeannette Piscitello.jpg
Jeanette Piscitello recalls being in the school after dark - and though they felt alone, they never really were!

Sr Mara Music Rehearsal Rooms.mp3
Sr. Mara discusses the music rehearsal rooms.

Nancy Brady.jpg
Jenna Wegrzyn recalls one of her favorite teachers, Mrs. Brady.

Screen Shot 2016-09-28 at 7.53.35 PM.png
Courtney Timms remembers a favorite teacher

Agnes Schubert.png
Sr. Agnes Schubert recalls playing on the front lawn, and the cold storage cave in the backyard of SHA -- when she first started attending school there in 1931 as a primary school student.

90s-Sr Connie Miracles.mp3
Sr. Connie tells about a girl who miraculously survived being hit by a car.

Barb Waclawek.jpg
Barb Waclawek remembers a prank involving a prank and the library shades

Sr Mara Main Office Sisters Parlors.mp3
Sr. Mara discusses the old use for the main office of the school.

1950- the charleston at lunch.jpg
Mary Ann Cheney remembers doing the jitterbug during lunch.

Barb Waclawek.jpg
Barb Waclawek tells the story of a teammate who could read lips

1940s-K McCarthy Library Assistant.wav
Kathleen McCarthy remembers a punishment given by the Latin teacher/ Librarian.

Sarah Belliotti remembers being told to "leave room for the Holy Spirit"

Kayla Burt describes learning to do service

Maureen F Latin club fudge sales.mp3
Maureen Forrester Finney remembers derailing class with discussions of fudge sales

Maureen F Latin club fudge sales.mp3
Maureen Forrester Finney discusses Latin class and fudge sales.

Betty Horrigan.jpg
Betty Barczak Horrigan recalls the death of JFK and how social justice was a part of life at SHA.

40s-MK Stahl Rings and Medallions.mp3
Sr. Mary Kay Stahl discusses her junior ring ceremony and the medallion received at graduation.

40s and 10s - Betty and Andrea Ring and Graduation Ceremony.mp3
Andrea Waclawek remembers celebrating Junior Ring and Graduation with her grandmother.

B Rooney Junior Prophecy.mp3
Barbara Staebell Rooney remembers making and receiving the junior prophecy books.

1995-courtney after junior ring ceremy.jpg
SHA is a great place - Courtney Timms

Lois Badding.jpg
Sarah Belliotti recalls the impact of having inspirational women as teachers, like Lois Badding.

50s-K McCarthy Dances.mp3
Kathleen McCarthy discusses the beginning of informal dances.

Katie B Sr Lois art importance in life.mp3
Kathryn Beliotti discusses the importance of art and how those skills translate to everyday life.

00s-S Beliotti uniforms.mp3
Sarah Belliotti misses her uniform.

40s-B Waclawek Uniforms were hot.mp3
Betty Waclawek recalls wearing uniforms as late as May or June.

1948-Dedication of the Sacred HEart.jpg
Mary Kay Stahl recalls the ceremony honoring the Sacred Heart at SHA.

1980-maria coaching.jpg
Sr. Maria Pares recalls being honored for advancing women's sports

50s-K McCarthy Home room.mp3
Kathleen McCarthy recalls homeroom and class office.

80s-Janis Cheney Home Ec Shoes.mp3
Janice Cheney remembers her Home Ec class.

Beliotti sisters mural in history room .mp3
The Beliotti sisters remember painting the mural in the second floor History room.

40s-M Fortkort History of the School.wav
Sr. Maura Fortkort recalls the history of Sacred Heart Academy.

50s-K McCarthy Going on to Higher Ed.mp3
Kathleen McCarthy notes how more and more girls go on to receive a higher education after attending SHA.

Maura Fortkort 49.jpg
Maura Forkort recalls some questionable fashion choices.

1958-HMS pinnafore 2.jpg
Sr. Maria Pares remembers being a sailor in the production of H.M.S. Pinnafore

Barb Staebell Rooney.png
Barb Rooney recalls the gym uniforms in the 1970s

1940-PE unis 1940s.png
Mary Kay Stahl describes the required uniform for gym classes in the 1940s.
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